Mask Making 2023!

Mask Making Workshop

We had a great turn out for our mask making workshop just in time for Halloween, made all the more special by an appearance from Costume-Maker-Extrordinaire; Renate Henschke!

We had a very exciting mask making workshop just before Halloween weekend. 12 very capable kids came to take-part and like a spooky whirlwind we created 12 very unique cardboard masks. 

Our very special guest at this workshop was none other than Australian Costume designer; Renate Henschke. Renate took a moment out of her busy schedule to guide us with expert tips and speedy fixes. 

Animal Spirits, Ghostly Ghouls and even a Pirate Mouse made in to masks. We didn’t expect so many Mask Makers so the workshop went a real clip. 

We’ll run another Mask Making workshop in the next few weeks, we’ll spend a little more time at a little less pace to make some new creations at this one. 

Keep ane eye out on our insta for announcements.

Queuing for completion just in time for the ghost parade.
Creepy Kids with their new creations

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